
Promotors of VET european projects during the COVID crises

Promotors of VET european projects during the COVID crises

After having doubted, postponed and finally cancelled a large part of their activities, mobility and strategic partnership project leaders have no other choice than to think about a continuity plan that requires skills that sometimes have to be found outside.

Every project coordinator has a survival kit in his or her bag, including communication, production and storage tools, both collaborative and remote : for meetings, decision-making, writing, etc. To mention only the best known: Google Drive, Box, Drop box, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Monkey Survey, Survey Gizmo, Mailchimp and for the purist, there are exclusive solutions more or less accessible: you might have heard about Slack, Teamwork….

Nevertheless, for those who are resistant  digital tools or who are starting a project with new partners (they have nerver met), the challenge is still there. For the others, more experienced, nothing is less difficult than keeping the group dynamic and most of all the motivation of the partners, on the long run.

This is one of the themes that we wish to develop in partnership with other project leaders in Europe facing the same issues.

If you are interested, join us.