

This Erasmus+ project is lead by the Italian Chamber of commerce for France in Marseille – CCIFM, and gathered partners coming from 7 european countries: Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, Germany, Denmark and France

NET NEET project aims to create a Network of compagnies willing to host young european with fewer opportunities (from 18 to 29 years old, with low qualification or unemployed), for a short term internship abroad.

Dates: 2017-2019


The partnership has established a specific methodology to facilitate the mobility of NEETs inspired by the 8 european key competencies.

By offering a European mobility experience in Europe, the partnership commited to match young people the the companies of the network that agreed to host them. As a result, those youngs will have a training session before doing a 2 weeks internship abroad within a NET NEET network company.

The result is an online network gathering companies, young people with fewer opportunities and organisations in charge of mentoring those young people.

Partners: Pegaso ; Itaka training ; inewsgr ;Unesco Youth ; Régie des ecrivains ; Abroad consulting ; Itkam ; CCIF Marseilles ; IES consulting ; Escuela de segunda oportunidad ; Eurosud ; Ungdomsskolen; Danitacom ; Cap Ulysse

Website: Net Neet

N° projet: 2016-3-FR02-KA205-012167